MAPLETREE COMMERCIAL TRUST 是我第四隻買入的新加坡股票,它主要的資產在新加坡,它享受著亞洲增長的優勢,並為投資者帶來回報。
這一隻房託的負債比只是 36.3%,尚算可以,息率大約5.5% 表現平穩。 美中不足的地方是PB 大約 1.18,高出它本身的資產值。
VivoCity - Singapore's Largest Retail And
Lifestyle Destination.
Mapletree Business City I (MBC I) is a bold
and exciting integrated business hub within Singapore's Alexandra Precinct.
PSA Building is the headquarters of PSA
International, which is the world’s largest container transshipment hub.
Mapletree Anson is a commercial property
located in 60 Anson Road.
Bank of America Merrill Lynch HarbourFront
(“MLHF”), a premium office building located in the HarbourFront Precinct.
Total Equity (S$'M): 3,956,440
Gearing 36.3%
NAV : 1.37
Unit on Issue and Issuable entitled to distribution 2,878,915,440
DPU 2017 : SGD 0.0677 (3Q only)
Moody’s Baa1
進入IB的世界了? ^^
回覆刪除哈哈,是的,把 1 月的利潤入貨。
回覆刪除加油, 天氣凍呀, 小心身體, 特別小朋友呢^^
刪除謝謝! 今日預演股災,唔知幾時來真的。 哈哈!